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[Event Chat] Dorkbot Cambridge #2 - 21/04/15

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Dorkbot Cambridge #2
Tuesday 21st Apr 2015 | Venue: Makespace
Price: Free | Time: 7:30-10:00 | View event details

Victorian-style Android TV

Tomorrow is the second in the new series of Dorkbot Cambridge talks, with Xavier Watkins of Fuzzy Lights presenting his software synth based on genomic sequences, a medieval automatic monochord controlled by biofeedback technology and a steampunk-style interactive Cambridge market stall using Android.

Dorkbot is a series of grassroots events for 'people doing strange things with electricity' in arts, music and beyond in cities across the world.

This second Dorkbot Cambridge event features presentations and demos from:

Nicholas Brown Artist-composer and Anglia Ruskin lecturer, Nicholas Brown, will talk about his current performance project, On the Generation of Sounds (2015), in which biofeedback technology meets medieval philosophy. The performance uses pulse oximetry to control an automated monochord according to medieval theories of musical pulse.

Matthew Taylor and David Hurren A portable market stall which interacts autonomously with customers using multiple embedded Android devices based on the Droidscript framework -- 'an easy to use, portable coding tool which ‘lowers the bar’ to serious mobile development' and is being developed at Makespace.

Xavier Watkins 'Sounds of Empathy' Combining interests in music and bioinformatics, the genome synth plays notes based on the sequence of amino acids which are the building blocks for the proteins making up a gene. By aligning these protein sequences for the same gene across various species we can listen to the similarities and differences, reflecting the gene's common functions and evolutionary differences. The first version uses the AVPR1a gene (nicknamed the “altruism gene”) which helps define humans and other highly social species in social-bonding and working together to achieve common goals.


+ OpenDorks -- short demos of work in progress open to all -- contact Dorkbot Cambridge in advance if possible so we know how many to expect

Published by bad-timing at 4:33pm on Mon 20th April 2015. Viewed 5,329 times.

I have a guinea pig called Dorcas because she is Dorky and I usually call her The Dork but this week she has become Dorkbot.

Published by Rocket Dog at 4:24pm on Thu 23rd April 2015.


Published by bad-timing at 5:18pm on Thu 23rd April 2015.

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