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[Venue Chat] Great St Mary's Church

Why should Cambridge citizens pays the same as daytrippers, and foreign tourists??? Toytown Cambridge?

Published by cherryhintonguy at 11:28pm on Fri 17th April 2015. Viewed 3,945 times.

Why shouldn't they?

Published by sam i at 9:36am on Sat 18th April 2015.

Why should anyone pay anything at all to go into a church? Shouldn't God get His chequebook out?

Published by John Techno at 10:04pm on Sat 18th April 2015.

Why should Cambridge based service users pay less than people from Timbuktu, who have to save up for decades so they can afford a plane ticket to come here?

I think that's grossly unfair.

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:30pm on Sat 18th April 2015.

You don't pay to go into Great St Mary's. It's only if you want to go up the tower that you have to fork out.

Published by sam i at 11:15pm on Sat 18th April 2015.

There is this, though. And I do think this is taking the piss.

Published by Noodles Aaronson at 12:13pm on Mon 20th April 2015.

We should pay less to go up that tower than day trippers and tourists. We get reduced rates entering the Colleges, so why not the Tower? Are there no Cambridge citizens on this site?? FFS!

Published by cherryhintonguy at 12:43pm on Mon 20th April 2015.

On the rare occasions that I go up the tower (I have done it about 3 times in the last decade) I don't mind paying the same as everyone else. It's only about 3 quid and it seems silly to argue to reduce it by 50p or whatever.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:57pm on Mon 20th April 2015.

I want to go to the top of St Johns College chapel (I've seen people up there so I know it is possible). They always tell me that the public are not allowed. *sulks*

I'd also like to go to the top of the UL but I understand that there are more issues that they don't want people stealing the rare books so I'll forgive them for that. They have a more valid reason for not letting me up there rather than the simple spite of St Johns College.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:00pm on Mon 20th April 2015.

Religion normally boils down to money....

Published by Priority 23 at 3:32pm on Mon 20th April 2015.

We should pay less to go up that tower than day trippers and tourists.

Perhaps we should charge people for tourist attractions on a sliding scale depending on how far they've come. You enter your postcode and if it's local it costs you almost nothing, but if you've flown in from Sydney it'll be a hundred quid.

Published by sam i at 3:40pm on Mon 20th April 2015.

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