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Sainsburys on Mill road

I'm confused.
Is there going to be a mini Sainsburys in Rajs (Mace) shop, or the old snooker hall?
Has Raj given up?
What happened to the protesters with educated lisps, have they given up too?

Published by Priority 23 at 7:58am on Mon 16th February 2015. Viewed 4,534 times.

Sainsburys applied for (and got) permission for an alcohol licence at Maces.

Sainsburys have applied to change The Snooker Hall to shops in the past but this was turned down (because of delivery concerns, not because of who it was).

Now a planning permission has been granted to turn it into shops:

it also now has planning permission to turn it into Financial, Restaurants, a Bar and other things:

So basically whoever owns it can wait to see who puts in an offer whoever they are. Sainsburys could open there if they wanted to, as could they open at Maces.

People were still protesting about it, they haven't given up. The main trouble is that you can't discriminate between users. You can only apply to turn it into a shop, you can't then say that only certain types of shop owners can move in.

Published by Silent Rob at 9:36am on Mon 16th February 2015.

Raj, incidentally, is retiring. He's been running that shop since 1991 and has done pretty well for himself - Mill Road will never be the same again!

Published by John Techno at 10:43am on Mon 16th February 2015.

Raj will no doubt go back to India and worship his beloved Shiva>
Raj rocks, It's a pity he's closing.

So in effect there could be two Sainsburys then...
Weird how they gave Sainsburys the booze licence but not Tesco over the bridge.

When's the last day of the Raj?

Published by Priority 23 at 12:05pm on Mon 16th February 2015.

Tesco were refused the alcohol licence in 2009 when there were concerns about street drinking on Mill Road, so the licence was refused because it was felt that there were too many places to buy cheap booze there already. I can't remember exactly what it is called but Mill Road is now under some sort of Anti Social Behavour Area which means that street drinking is no longer allowed there (The homeless tend to hang out around Mitchems Corner now).

If Tesco applied for a booze licence now they'd probably get it.

Published by Silent Rob at 12:38pm on Mon 16th February 2015.

Do I know you Priority 23

Published by bigmal at 3:31pm on Mon 16th February 2015.

So far as I know, it's much easier to get a licence if the premises has previously been used by a business selling alcohol. If Tesco haven't made numerous applications for one I'd be pretty surprised, which suggests they probably still can't get one.

Published by John Techno at 5:54pm on Mon 16th February 2015.

I'm with you on that one JT.
Similar the the boozeless Tesco on East Road.
Mind you, if it were a mini Waitrose they'd have a licence for sure.

Published by Priority 23 at 8:15am on Tue 17th February 2015.

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