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Support a Sainburys on Mill Road

To oppose the Sainsburys is an act of evil.

Sainsburys sell cheese strands. Why should the so called activists prevent us from eating this delicacy?

Published by Priority 23 at 1:02pm on Thu 6th November 2014. Viewed 4,531 times.

A lot of sense talked on the CEN comments section - mostly by those in favour of the decision. If cycling is the issue, the Tenison Road junction is a deathtrap with taxis short-cutting to the station. The Mill Rd/Devonshire rd is no right turn - often ignored, even by travis perkins lorries and taxis who should know better. Lorry parking is already a problem - mostly with Al Amin and the Chinese supermarket, where there is no lay-by, and they have many deliveries a day. Also a lot of cars park on the pavement outside those shops because the drivers can't be a*sed to use the car park and they think the ladw doesn't apply to them. Traffic wardens don't care - it's not on their beat. Why not convert it into a hostel for homeless/drunks? No shortage of them around there. Or a Morrisons? Not a pub - enough there already. Burger King? Macdonalds? Aldi? Lidl?

Published by stephen at 10:44pm on Thu 6th November 2014.

The main trouble with this is that a planning permission can only give permission to change Suis Generis (pool club) into retail. It can't specify that the new retail can only be an independent shop, not a supermarket chain.

I don't think that I have any strong feelings about Sainsburys, though I probably should. I think I'd rather see a shop that sells fox hunting equipment than a McDonalds or Burger King though!

Published by Silent Rob at 8:10am on Fri 7th November 2014.

Pleased to see these comments.
I hate to cycle up Mill Road because of the traffic, but love cheese strands more.
Tennison / Mill Road should have traffic lights.

Published by Priority 23 at 8:19am on Fri 7th November 2014.

I think that they should put rising bollards right in the centre of Mill Road bridge. That way people who live there or need to deliver there can still access it from whichever direction they need to. The C2 bus and taxis would still be able to get through.

But most car drivers who use Mill Road as a cut through, filling it up with cars for everyone else, will be thwarted. *twirls moustache in evil fashion*

Published by Silent Rob at 10:24am on Fri 7th November 2014.

But then the police would have to find somewhere else to lurk when they want to catch their annual quota of drink drivers.

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:33am on Fri 7th November 2014.

Car driving in a small city like Cambridge is a selfish act. Unless you are unable to walk or cycle, and have documents to prove that.
Those that do it, especially with just them selves in the car should be penalised.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:29pm on Fri 7th November 2014.

Suppose you wanted to buy - I dunno - some sacks of cement, or something like that.

How would you get them home?

Published by Wrongfellow at 2:58pm on Fri 7th November 2014.

Whenever I need to buy something like sacks of cement then I order them online and get the shop to deliver them to me.

I think that the only people who should be allowed to drive are:

1. People with blue badges,
2. People who need to drive for work (like policemen, road repairers, nurses or sacks of cement delivery people)
3. People presenting Top Gear or racing car drivers.
4. Drummers.

Everyone else would use the massively efficient and cheap public transport system that we'd have if everyone had to use it, and this system would be effortlessly quick if all the bus routes weren't all clogged up with cars. Just think, we'd probably even have the Mill Road monorail.

Published by Silent Rob at 3:09pm on Fri 7th November 2014.

Obvious solution - close the road, turf it over, add some trees and a lake and some swings and stuff to make it into a linear park. Build the monorail and charge local businesses to have stock delivered on it, thus covering construction costs. That's Phase One of the project.

Phase Two is the construction of a shipping canal beginning at the Cam on Midsummer Common and running through where the Grafton Centre is now (not actually the straightest route, but we may as well grab the opportunity to demolish the shithole) and along East Road (nothing interesting along there nowadays, so it doesn't matter if we demolish a few buildings along there too) and then up Mill Road before turning back towards the Cam by the traffic lights near the Brook. It would then take a straight course - or slightly curved, if taking out Newmarket Road McDonalds makes this necessary - to rejoin the river. Thus, Mill Road would benefit from links to Rotterdam and other commercial ports. I haven't worked out exactly how to fund Phase Two, but I reckon it'd probably be easy to get some local programmers to hack Google Earth and change the maps a bit so we can persuade shipping companies that the Mill Road Canal offers a safe and convenient alternative to the Cape Horn or something and charge them for the right to use it once it's built.

Published by John Techno at 4:33pm on Fri 7th November 2014.

So in addition to Panamax and Suezmax, would there be Millroadmax ships?

Published by Wrongfellow at 5:24pm on Fri 7th November 2014.

I remember Mill Road Max - he used to beg for his Special Brew money outside Chicken Cottage.

Published by John Techno at 8:30pm on Fri 7th November 2014.

I've thought for years that we should dig up every single road in Cambridge and replace them with canals like in Venice. it would vastly improve the atmosphere of cambrige and do wonders for the tourist trade. Furthermore it would spread the punt touts evenly over the entire city, so they would no longer be concentrated on Kings Parade or bridge Street.

I very much approve of JTs proposal, I'll start to consider funding options.

Published by Silent Rob at 7:29am on Sat 8th November 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 7:31am on Sat 8th November 2014.

bit hard to cycle on canals. so we could all trade bicycles for pedalos

Published by marcosthebubble at 10:44am on Mon 10th November 2014.

I look forward to the endless "rowers vs cyclists" stories in the news.

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:03am on Mon 10th November 2014.

Most of Venice has nice walking routes next to the canals, plus lots of nice pedestrian streets. It wouldn't be too hard to make those cycle routes.

I must admit that when I went to Venice I didn't remember seeing anyone cycling, but it wouldn't be too hard to incorporate cyclists into my new Venitian Cambridge strategy. You just need to plan ahead.

Perhaps we should go and sack Constantinople to get some funding for my plan. That seems to be how the Venitians did things.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:32am on Mon 10th November 2014.

I'd like to see some kind of memorial to Barney's Factory Outlet.
How times have changed, now you have to walk all the way to Primark to buy Polyester.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:25pm on Mon 10th November 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:59pm on Mon 10th November 2014.



Published by Priority 23 at 1:00pm on Mon 10th November 2014.

Whatever happened to QD?

Published by foolscap (not active) at 3:37pm on Mon 10th November 2014.

It burnt down, years ago that was. They reckoned it was a insurance job.

Published by bigmal at 6:31pm on Mon 10th November 2014.

Can't remember QD burning down, it's where they put Robert Sayles temporary shop which became Primarni

Published by Priority 23 at 8:27am on Tue 11th November 2014.

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