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MAD PAT of Ditton Fields has passed away.....RIP...X

Not Pat!x

Was you a 'neighbour' to her??!!x I wrote this on my Facebook last was appreciated by many. Copied and pasted here......'local stuff'....init....X

I found this out over the weekend that she died last week.(UPDATE...a few weeks ago). I wrote this in response and share it with you all as she was a 'character' whom we all grew up with and ultimately accepted among us.....young and old.....X For those who don;t know of her....she was a woman who spent most of her life avoiding neccessary medication due to a chemical imbalance in her brain......this lead regularly to her streaking or simply walking naked around her estate.....for the past 30/40 years I know of!!!x Harmless ultimately and here is a little tribute to her....X
Sad news really....X I first had the pleasure of 'seeing' Pat around 1980 when delivering a Cortina Estate full of logs to an address.....she came running past me naked as a babe! and indeed an unforgettable experience! She had made an impact....which is more than what most do in life....I find. Over the years I saw her when frequenting the area and always tried to say she half dressed or starkers! When she was in the right mode.....she would answer....but.....if she hadn't taken her medication...then she was away with the fairies and clueless! I had the pleasure of 'living' with her in 2000 for 5 days as I was sectioned due to high grade weed and stress in life at the time. After my 3rd day....Pat arrived at Friends Ward in Fulbourn. To be honest...I was pleased to have the chance to 'speak' with her proper....whilst sensible on meds! She had a story....we all do. I completely understood her reasoning for sodding the meds.....and tbf....she lived a freer life than most achieve....and for that I respected her...X The last time I saw her was about 3 years ago as we did gardens down Ditton Fields whlst doing 300 hours Community Service. She was fully clothed...not so shabby looking and indeed 'subdued'. I felt a bit sad for her...she seemed to have been 'tethered' based on what I knew about her.....but....I was pleased to hear she was seen streaking last year!!! So I hope she was happy towards her end being with the fairies.......because in all it or not....she made a lot of folk happy....or at least think of her. I gave her a lift from the shops in a Limo once too.....she just sat there and grinned like a Cheshire and daren't say a word! She then ran as I opened the limo door to her house and couldn't handle saying thanx...bye or owt....overwhelmed she was and all giggly....which is why I do all hitch hikers!!x Loneliness.........affects folk in different is also said that a successful life is based on how many folks lives you affect in a positive way. Well....take the sex angle out of it....and I don't believe she ever caused anyone harm.....but certainly left an impression on folk....most having a smile on their face as a consequence! Generations of us had that experience! Rest in Peace Pat......nobody will ever ask you to dress again......i'm happy for you poppet....X


For comments added on the thread at the time go to my FB...Sooty Edwards...X

Published by SOOTY at 6:10am on Mon 3rd November 2014. Viewed 4,988 times.

Poor old Pat....
she loved to have her windows open.

Published by at 12:37pm on Tue 4th November 2014.

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