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Chartered Surveyor recomendations..


I need to get a Homebuyer Survey report, I was wondering if
anyone here has got one recently. Can you recommend
a good person/ company registered with Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
here in Cambridge.

I've done a quick google and found these guys:

does anyone have any personal experience of getting a home buyer report
done recently, will appreciate your feedback

thanks in advance

Published by tyres at 12:01pm on Thu 21st August 2014. Viewed 4,755 times.

We used "Kane Walker Dodds" out of Ipswich, who were ...alright.

Not sure what a surevyor would have to do to be amazing, really.

We were recommended them by someone who said they were thorough and persnickety, which was what we wanted, as the house had clearly not been looked after amazingly well and we wanted any problems we were going to have to deal with factored in to the price we paid. They went a bit overboard and lowballed it to the extent that our estate agents had to email them some other recent purchases to make clear that the price for the house wasn't crazily out of whack!

they also didn't say anything about the floorboard under the kitchen, whcih anybody who walked on it could have told you had gone soggy!

In general, they tend to go round and say "roof looks like it might need work, you might want to get a roofer to take a look at it. Electrics look like they might be a bit old, you might want an electrician to have a look at it" They aren't specialists and don't seem to do much more than wander round!

Published by Noodles Aaronson at 3:09pm on Thu 21st August 2014.

cheers Noodles, by the way thanks for the solicitor advice too, got in touch with Irena Spence :)

Published by tyres at 3:41pm on Fri 22nd August 2014.

Not sure what a surevyor would have to do to be amazing, really.

"Well, basically mate, this building's sahnd as a pahnd, innit. But tell yer what, 'ere's what we'll do for yer. We'll do a report, all nice'n'proper like, abaht how the roof's full o' woodworm n' slateworm n' feck knows what. Ought to knock a good fifty grand off the valuation, at which point you're quids in, innit? Nah, no worries, no need to sort it tonight, just get us a Nelson next time yer in the pub, me old mucker."

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:21pm on Fri 22nd August 2014.

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