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17,555 bikes stolen in Cambridge since 2005

...says Britney in today's Nooz.

I wonder what the true figure is? If I have a bike worth less than a hundred quid or so that gets nicked, I don't bother reporting it. Looking around the city, I'd estimate that a good three quarters of all bikes in Cambridge are worth considerably less than that, so they probably don't get reported if stolen either.

Published by John Techno at 12:29pm on Tue 3rd June 2014. Viewed 3,063 times.

I've had 7 stolen since I've lived in Cambridge and haven't reported any.
What's the point they were all junk.
since I've had good bikes, none have been stolen, thank god. Mind you I very rarely leave them lock outside any where.
It's so gutting to get a bike nabbed, the culprits should be chained to bike racks so the victims can throw vegetables at them

Published by Grape Face at 12:59pm on Tue 3rd June 2014.

I have lost 8 or 9 since 2002, plus two have been smashed beyond repair when locked up. I also had one where someone stole the back wheel and gears, and the cost of buying a new wheel was more than replacing the bike. I've not lost any since 2010 when I was able to keep them indoors overnight.

I only reported one lost in 2009 because it was quite nice and I was a bit upset. More than I normally am when I find a space where my bike used to be and I have to walk to work.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:46pm on Tue 3rd June 2014.

I quite agree with GF, bike thieves should be locked to bike racks. Personally I'd use a D lock around their necks, like at the start of Breaking Bad.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:47pm on Tue 3rd June 2014.

The gall of the bike thieves is what gets me. I had a lock cut at midday at a bike racks on one of the busiest streets in Hove, and it was clearly a hacksaw job. I have a certain grudging respect for them and I'm sure like a lot of petty theft it's due to circumstances rather than proper criminal enterprise. But when you're standing at an empty rack where your bike should be they're absolute cunts.

Published by arthurCRS at 2:16pm on Tue 3rd June 2014.

I just don't know how you can move that many stolen bikes without eventually selling one back to its original owner.

Published by arthurCRS at 2:16pm on Tue 3rd June 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 2:19pm on Tue 3rd June 2014.

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