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Raves in Cambridge

They've not had much luck lately, but I wondered how do you find out when and where? Who's in the know. I don't expect anyone to actually post information on here that would tip off local law enforcement, assuming there are still people on WAN beyond the celeb deaths, laughing and spam...

Published by foolscap (not active) at 7:47pm on Sat 31st May 2014. Viewed 4,191 times.

I've been too loads of raves. Used to be word of mouth at the end of the night, or very exclusive invites.
I still remeber hundreds of cars speeding through Thetford forest going to the bunker parties and this old dear sitting in her car with a look of disbelief waiting to turn onto the road as hundreds of cars zoomed past. Hahaha.
There was a time when you simply turned up at Deputy Dogs Cafe for a meet. But the coppers caughtened on to that.
Plus dodgy ectasy dealers would maake flyers saying to meet there, sell loads of dud e's and fuck off.

Published by bigmal at 8:26pm on Sat 31st May 2014.

Just phone round a few taxi companies and ask where the party is at. They'll generally give you a list of what's happening on any given night.

Published by deejay66 at 9:46am on Wed 4th June 2014.

Be sure to ask where the party is at in screechy new york accent

Published by ed____ at 10:06am on Thu 5th June 2014.

It does sound like a line you'd use in one of those 80s Brat Pack movies.

Published by foolscap (not active) at 11:18am on Thu 5th June 2014.

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