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a message to twattergrabs

I'm not even going to bother reading your bile so shove that up your haemorrhoid-infested rectum.

P.s. Go on. How much?

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 11:54pm on Sun 11th May 2014. Viewed 3,573 times.

It takes a special kind of person to think that repeating the same racist bile that got them called a racist in the first place might be a good defence against being called a racist.

It takes a bloody moron to do it more than once.

You are a racist, and your repeated use of sexist/misogynist terms doesn't help your claims of being anti-sexist.

Allied to those, your rants against the very same bullying, racism, and sexism show you up as a bloody hypocrite.

Enjoy casting your vote for ukip.

When did WAN become such a welcome home for bigots?

Published by splattergrabs at 6:59am on Mon 12th May 2014.

Shut up you massive gaybo.

Published by troll at 9:17am on Mon 12th May 2014.

La la la la

Can't see a thing of what you've written, twats.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 9:21am on Mon 12th May 2014.

bb's head is stuck in a rectum, bumhead might share a photo

Published by alyosha at 8:31pm on Mon 12th May 2014.

I don't think I'm going to read that either so I've stuck alyosha on ignore just to be on the safe side.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 12:56am on Tue 13th May 2014.

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