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Health and safety - bad news, folks...

Cheese gives you lysteria, salt gives you heart attacks, meat gives you e-coli and eggs will stab you in the face - so many of life's simple pleasures seem to hold hidden mortal dangers.

Well, now it seems that we'll have to add one activity that millions of people around the world have enjoyed for centuries to that list - it seems having sex with animals isn't the harmless, risk-free hobby we all thought it was:

Published by John Techno at 2:59pm on Wed 9th November 2011. Viewed 2,425 times.

In a study of 492 men from rural Brazil, 35 percent reported having had sex with an animal

Errr... what?

Published by Old Rocker at 3:01pm on Wed 9th November 2011.

Penile cancer accounts for up to 10 percent of cancers in men in Asia, Africa and South America, although it is rare in the U.S.

They forgot to add "(except Alabama)" to the end.

Published by John Techno at 3:17pm on Wed 9th November 2011.

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