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Stiff Little Fingers March 30!

At the Junction, really gotten back into these of late (one of my first "fave" bands) and can still remember the big bar code posters from their 1980 Nobody's Hero Cambridge concert at the Cornm Exchange being up all over town but being too young to go.

Published by aracoonsfarts at 10:41am on Thu 24th February 2011. Viewed 4,545 times.

Published by Old Rocker at 10:55am on Thu 24th February 2011.

Clash-lite. What really put me off them is that their strings were pulled by some old Daily Express journo.

Published by DeFrev at 12:58pm on Thu 24th February 2011.

Ill be going DS. playing 3 fingers covers on saturday as well !

Published by DeathProof Promotion at 4:51pm on Thu 24th February 2011.

Might be tempted - always loved their records - seen them 3 times (as far as I can remember) - 1978 RAR benefit in Brockwell Park (excellent), 1982 in Hull (disappointingly below par) and 1993 at the Junction (enjoyable).

Published by Kuryakin at 8:41pm on Thu 24th February 2011.

SLF - Corn Exchange 1979 - got so over excited that I poured a can of coke over my head - punk rock!!

Published by Dr Rhythm at 12:02am on Fri 25th February 2011.

^ Well 'ard!

Published by Old Rocker at 8:25am on Fri 25th February 2011.

Well if we murder the songs like we did at practise last night i reckon there will be plenty going to see how its really down :o)

Published by DeathProof Promotion at 11:47am on Fri 25th February 2011.

Have you got the Jake Burns growl sorted, DP?

Published by Old Rocker at 11:54am on Fri 25th February 2011.

well i reckon i can do a passable version of it. or i might just sound like Phil from Pantera doing a SLF cover....

Published by DeathProof Promotion at 2:06pm on Fri 25th February 2011.


Published by Old Rocker at 2:08pm on Fri 25th February 2011.

I bet nobody managed to get a black and white photograph of the band standing on dustbins in an alleyway handed to them as they were welcomed backstage into the 'Finger's dressing rooms...which could then be duly autographed...and left on a bus, or whatever it was that happened to mine...

Published by Foxsch at 12:31am on Sat 29th August 2015.

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