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Car boot sales

Anyone know of any near Cambridge and how they work? I haven't been to one since I was a kid but have all my worldly possessions to get rid of by the end of this month.

Published by Moll Flounders at 4:39pm on Tue 7th June 2005. Viewed 51,004 times.

We went to one a couple of years ago - on the Science Park somewhere on a Sunday, and this is what I learned...

i) Get there early, everyone else does and they tend to 'peter out' by lunchtime / early afternoon

ii) You need to pay a small amount to have a stall (I think we paid a fiver, but it may be more)

iii) Some people will buy any old crap - we made about £75 in total, and it was all stuff that we were literally just going to throw away.

iv) You don't need to price stuff up if you can't be arsed - just name a price when asked (this is quite good cos you can base it on how rich / keen you think they look...)

v) Make sure you bring some change in lots of different denomination coins and notes with you, you'll need it until you get properly going.

vi) It's quite a satisfying way to spend a morning, and can make you quite a bit of dosh.

There's another one at Cambridge City FC carpark - I think that may also be on a Sunday.

Hope this helps.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 4:43pm on Tue 7th June 2005.

thats great, thanks, I'll have a look for the one at Cambridge City FC carpark :)

Published by Moll Flounders at 4:46pm on Tue 7th June 2005.

Milton Road park & ride on Sundays

Published by Olly C at 9:41pm on Tue 7th June 2005.

There's one in Oakington every saturday morning as well.

Published by Mr Lo at 10:10am on Wed 8th June 2005.

The one at the Science Park starts at 7am. There's one at Fulbourn which isn't too bad and starts at a slightly more agreeable time of 9am. City FC used to start at 8 but might be at 7 now.

Watch out that other, less honest, traders don't start rummaging through your stuff whilst you're unloading - they sometimes sell your stuff on their own stall later for a profit. And take two people or you don't get a loo break.

Published by fluffy at 12:25pm on Wed 8th June 2005.

Also, proper trader type people generally go really really early. So it can be fruitful to double the price when offered in the first hour. You can always reduce it down nearer the end of the day.

Published by No Danger at 12:46pm on Wed 8th June 2005.

Jollie Goods have just spread their wings from ebay shop and snetterton market to car boots. Norwich was apparently a winner today, Wisbech run one every weds, fri and sunday and I'm off to check out Oakington on saturday morning.

Published by at 1:46pm on Wed 8th June 2005.

You're back!

Published by No Danger at 1:49pm on Wed 8th June 2005.

I never technically went away, just became a dreaded lurker for a while. Too many arguements going on and with my 4hr a day net access I didn't have time to post! Although I seem to have five minutes now....

Thanks for noticing ND

Published by at 11:51am on Thu 9th June 2005.

Fair enough. Lurking can be fun. Especially when you jump back out when they least expect it.

Published by No Danger at 11:56am on Thu 9th June 2005.

sshh don't shout too loud, they might hear me...

Published by at 1:16pm on Thu 9th June 2005.

Does anyone know the cost of a pitch for a carboot in Oakington?

Published by sharonwebb19 at 3:58pm on Mon 6th August 2007.

We have got do a carboot soon too, loads of unwanted stuff to clear out and well need the room! I have been to the one on the science part before, its pretty cool actually, burger stall so never short of tea! Soemdodgy trader though buy stuff of your stall and go and sell it on theirs straight away! Fairplay i suppose just annoying, but have a look around first and if you seen spot them on your stall whack the price up!

Definaltey agree, dont put prices on stuff would take ages and its more fun making up prices and seeing what happens. I like never know!

Published by Floyd at 6:08pm on Mon 6th August 2007.

Don't forget freecycle if jut getting rid of stuff is a priority

Published by rishistar at 6:54pm on Mon 6th August 2007.

Get there early, but you will find that as soon as you arrive, some people will ravage through your goods before you even get it out your car. (The early bird gets the worm) Hate these people. Don't know why....Anyway, we did quite well at our last boot sale, and we enjoyed ourselves....Go for it....

Published by greggfall at 8:25pm on Mon 6th August 2007.

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Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 8:26pm on Mon 6th August 2007.

One day i will get round to doing one of these.

Published by Kuryakin at 9:54pm on Mon 6th August 2007.

I wanna do this but have no car. Does any kind person with a big vehicle of some sort fancy taking me & Janey on a carboot adventure?

Published by HannahMcStar at 12:54am on Tue 7th August 2007.

Bootsales are great. . I made a living off them for a couple of years and always came home with a stack of records. You gotta be quick these days tho to beat the dealers.
My advice would be to take every last piece of crap you own, no matter how rubbish it may seem. You'll be surprosed at the rubbish you can sell. I once took a load of old cutlery in an old ice cream container and sold it for more than the cutlery.
I wouldnt bother pricing things. Just make it up as you go along and adjust according to peoples attitude.

Published by ReallyUsefulEngine at 6:20pm on Tue 7th August 2007.

I have so much crap and would love to do a car boot sale but the thought of having to get up so early puts me right off.

Published by Teresa at 6:55pm on Tue 7th August 2007.

As this post is a few years old, has anyone got the latest details for good car boots (busy), pitch cost and turn up time? We had a look around the Cowley Road site, which wasn't really buzzing. Someone mentioned Oakington, but I've no idea when to get there and I remmember one near Soham on once per month. Its years since I've done one so any uptodate info appreciated. I did a web search which only found this site :)

Published by Chris2007 at 4:01pm on Mon 20th August 2007.

I was asking a colleague about car boots today and she recommended the Cowley Rd one, said when she went about a month ago it was packed all day and she made nearly £80 (minus £10 pitch fee). If you can get hold of a local paper there should be some ads in the big section with all the small ads. (I'm sure that has a name, but can't think of it right now, that's annoying...)

Published by HannahMcStar at 6:28pm on Mon 20th August 2007.

Yeh, i'm doing Cowley Road this Sunday. I was gonna say huzzah but I think it's more likely to be a bleurgh.

Published by barryella scott (not active) at 6:36pm on Mon 20th August 2007.

oh dont tell me then bag face

Published by bigmal at 6:40pm on Mon 20th August 2007.

Am I still accompanying you on this mission Barryella?

Published by HannahMcStar at 6:41pm on Mon 20th August 2007.

YOu're more than welcome to Hannah. I hadn't heard from you so I'd assumed you'd changed your mind.

Published by barryella scott (not active) at 6:44pm on Mon 20th August 2007.

No, sorry, I've just been crazybusy having job interviews, packing all of my worldly goods into cardboard boxes, clearing the mouldy food out of the fridge and the gajillion newspapers & plastic bags off the bedroom floor etc etc etc. have to go out now but will PM you later tonight.

Published by HannahMcStar at 7:23pm on Mon 20th August 2007.

I wouldnt want to do one at Cowley Road because pitch is £10 and you only get a tiny area compared to other car boots and they are only £6. Others in Cambridge area are: Fordham and Kennett (MASSIVE especially Fordham, they are every other Sunday, alternate with each other), Fulbourn, Oakington (only Saturday one I know) - its near Barhill.

Published by sharonwebb19 at 10:11am on Sat 28th June 2008.

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Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 9:56pm on Wed 13th August 2008.

Ely have one usually every sunday.

Published by mudsharkinterview at 11:34pm on Wed 13th August 2008.

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Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 11:40pm on Wed 13th August 2008.

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Published by mrdonkey (not active) at 7:14am on Thu 14th August 2008.

They obviously don't want you to go there,so you should respect their wishes.

Published by Kuryakin at 9:37am on Thu 14th August 2008.

Since the early recommendations of local Cambridge Car Boots were sent back in 2005, I thought I'd check that these places still have these sessions on these days... I'd like to start going to some. Any advice?

Published by rmayer at 11:51pm on Thu 25th September 2008.

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Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 12:24am on Fri 26th September 2008.

That's just down the road from me and I've never noticed it.

Published by Kuryakin at 8:10am on Fri 26th September 2008.

The best one to try is the one in Fordham near Ely. When we did it we had to be there by about 6am but it was worth it. we managed to clear out a load of old junk and have now got loads of space. We managed to get nearly 200 quid jus from odd bits & bobs that were lying around. The only thing i would say is to make sure you take plenty of change as you will need it. remember, one mans trash is another mans treasure!

Published by pimpernell85 at 11:17am on Tue 19th May 2009.

anyone on here... anyone? is there any cambridge city car boot sales tomorrow

Published by clarissa (not active) at 12:47am on Sun 14th March 2010.

Cambridge City FC on Milton Road. I believe it's quite a big one these days.

Published by DeFrev at 8:25am on Sun 14th March 2010.

I got up too late in the end but hoping to visit it next week, it's not as if I live far from the nearest one

Published by clarissa (not active) at 2:14pm on Sun 14th March 2010.

i was there. twas ok.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 4:01pm on Sun 14th March 2010.

i went to the milton rd this morning. it was a bit meh tho only got there just before 11am so maybe too late. listening to a MBV Isn't Anything i picked up there

Published by clarissa (not active) at 12:00pm on Sun 21st March 2010.

^Best album EVAH.^

Published by John Techno at 12:04pm on Sun 21st March 2010.

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Published by Lord Lucan (not active) at 9:44pm on Sun 21st March 2010.

Yeah, we went to a car boot sale, and all the stuff we loaded into the car I reckoned was crap and wouldn't sell. Some good stuff I reckoned would. Anyway, all the crap stuff sold, and I lost a bet with the missus. We made £150.00 selling crap......

Published by greggfall at 10:42pm on Sun 21st March 2010.

Cambridge ones are dead now the Cowley Road one has finished.

The Oakington ones (Saturday) have only just started up as they shut down over the winter, and are worth a go when the weather is decent...

The Fordham ones run fortnightly from Easter and are huge...

And if you can travel across the Fens on a Sunday morning, there is a huge one at Wisbech with an equally huge Sunday market (some indoors, the cheese stall is highly recommended) -->

--- and then there is another one just outside Manea from mid-morning on the way back from Wisbech at the Skylark Showground -->

On random Sundays through the winter months is an indoor one at Wood Green on the A1198 nr Godmanchester, finished for this year now 'til the winter -->

Don't forget, Boyz and Gurlz - for all your Kwal-i-tee knock off chav gear, the Bourn Airfield market on Bank Holiday Monday 5th April!

Published by pagan_flame at 12:21am on Mon 22nd March 2010.

If it's still going, the one at Huntingdon Racecourse tends to be worth a visit. I've had some good stuff from there.

Published by splattergrabs at 11:34am on Mon 22nd March 2010.

"Cambridge ones are dead now the Cowley Road one has finished."

I've never attended because car boots aren't really my thing but there is one at Milton Road, home to the mighty Cambridge City FC every Sunday. City are playing there until May 2011, so plenty of opportunities to visit.

Published by DeFrev at 11:46am on Mon 22nd March 2010.

Hi, we are doing a car boot tomorrow, where is best? Theres one at Crystal Lakes and one in Chery Hinton apparently. Should we try the Fordham one above mentioned?

Published by cambridgepunx at 10:13pm on Sat 22nd May 2010.

Fordham ones have stopped til June 13th now, and are then running every other Sunday til October:

(From website )

Sunday June 13th - Sunday June 27th - Sunday July 11th - Sunday July 25th - Sunday August 8th - Sunday August 22nd - Sunday September 5th - Sunday September 19th - Sunday October 3rd

Published by pagan_flame at 12:49pm on Mon 24th May 2010.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:53pm on Sun 15th August 2010.

fyi there's a new car boot running at trumpington park and ride as of yesterday. it's run by the same guy that run the cowley road one.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 1:38pm on Mon 24th May 2010.

I found this place for information regarding Trumpington Park and Ride Car Boot Sale.

It appears to be the only place on the net with info about this carboot sale at this moment in time.


Published by kharmer at 5:56pm on Sun 15th August 2010.

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Published by Lord Lucan (not active) at 5:59pm on Sun 15th August 2010.

What is your Criteria for "Quality Stock"

Published by Mr Pel at 9:54pm on Sun 15th August 2010.

If you had gone to the Fordham boot, you wouldn't have had time to go to any of the others as it's about 2 hours to get round all of it... on next Sunday (22 Aug).

Got me some high quality leads for my DJ console for 50p a go plus an Ultimax DJ stand for a fiver last time I went...

Published by pagan_flame at 11:56pm on Sun 15th August 2010.

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Published by Lord Lucan (not active) at 12:49pm on Mon 16th August 2010.

Fordham is Very Worth The Trip. See you on Sunday (weather permitting!)

Published by pagan_flame at 12:52am on Tue 17th August 2010.

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Published by Lord Lucan (not active) at 8:45am on Tue 17th August 2010.

Well it's a big field, so take something to go under the sidestand - but the whole car park is marshalled and the bike parking is up by the entrance to the pitches opposite the disabled parking.

(but I wouldn't take my bike on there due to the total lack of ground clearance on the thing!)

Published by pagan_flame at 9:27am on Tue 17th August 2010.

OH! I am doing one this weekend, is Fordham better than Crystals Lakes then?

I am selling all of my old ebay stock of clothes for 50p each. Principles, H&M, New Look, Per una, Wallis, M&S, plus some band t-shirts. I need to get rid of them!

Published by Mia A Gain at 11:14am on Tue 17th August 2010.

Ooh. What size are you?

Published by Doris (not active) at 4:41pm on Tue 17th August 2010.

I'm a pregnant 16, but these are all 10-12-14 hence sale! :D

Published by Mia A Gain at 9:40pm on Tue 17th August 2010.

I'd love a rummage through your 10/12s please!

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 12:27am on Wed 18th August 2010.

I may car boot at Trumpington on Sunday if the weather is okay. I shall be selling shoes (size 4 and 5), clothes - lardy sizes and anything else I can find including my husband if he keeps sitting here clearing his throat like an old dog with kennel cough.

Published by ispeak (not active) at 8:26pm on Wed 18th August 2010.

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Published by Creecuchblelt (not active) at 8:01am on Mon 22nd July 2013.

If you translate that ^ into German, then into French, then into Japanese, THEN back to English via Google translate then it almost makes more sense than it did before:

They are needed is a radical NFL Sunday, September 16, 2012 on our Internet Fotel You will be trained by 4500 television buff. It's like a connection or cable TV combined Lieutenant! connect as realistic Month mounting your account! This return commit more, worth half a telegraph service fees wrestling month! Not far, you will not have the dishes or boxes plebeian motivate us. About our software rally is another Internet connection. appropriate, that we present. Full disclosure of networks, constant, high-definition world torn added to the program to punish you is fresh software small order without assistance as we try to take advantage of the spine for decades to come and watch your favorite shows

Published by Silent Rob at 8:31am on Mon 22nd July 2013.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:31am on Mon 22nd July 2013.

^^^ That sounds like one of BB's phone clues!

Published by bigmal at 10:04am on Mon 22nd July 2013.

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Published by GareReeve (not active) at 5:31am on Wed 18th September 2013.

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Published by AlielaWasia (not active) at 6:02pm on Tue 29th October 2013.

So stroll you unstable accessibility meander your shopping stomach is practised one, poised one.

You should write for the Cambridge News.

Published by Wrongfellow at 6:56pm on Tue 29th October 2013.

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Published by Adrianpt (not active) at 4:07pm on Thu 6th February 2014.

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Published by BonhogStith at 4:41am on Tue 18th March 2014.

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Published by Grape Face at 7:55am on Tue 18th March 2014.

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Published by BrilliantNoky (not active) at 10:04am on Mon 31st March 2014.

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Published by WilliamEr at 3:27am on Wed 9th April 2014.

Blimey, the stuff you can buy at your local car boot, eh?

Published by DeFrev at 9:14am on Wed 9th April 2014.

If WilliamEr is still up at 3.27AM then whatever being flogged is not an insomnia cure

Published by marcosthebubble at 9:49am on Wed 9th April 2014.

If WilliamEr is still up at 3.27AM then it's definitely Cialis that he's flogging.

Published by DeFrev at 9:53am on Wed 9th April 2014.

You'd think he would be too busy on his royal tour of New Zealand and Austrailia.

Published by daggg at 12:57pm on Wed 9th April 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 6:47pm on Wed 9th April 2014.

i had no idea what it was until i googled it. And still wont be buying any!

Published by marcosthebubble at 1:11pm on Wed 9th April 2014.

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Published by Arinstub at 9:56pm on Fri 2nd May 2014.


Published by Dr Rhythm at 11:45pm on Fri 2nd May 2014.

Full what that fiasco happened , I can not see the house 2 , and since I'm a fan of this show I could not understand why it happened , then I realized why. Helped me to understand communication in this one forum ; [url=]дом 2 сплетни[/url] There was one fan house 2, which told the same thing that he can not see the project turned mystery wait like 2 pennies , 2 House moved to a new site , but fans of this show are associated exclusively with the old film set where old memories for all favorite actors, and then I broke the head , funny.

Published by Gornabov at 11:27am on Sat 31st May 2014.

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Published by Antoshkagob (not active) at 5:25pm on Wed 11th January 2017.

I often wonder about these spambot ads. Has it ever, in the history of the internet, ever attracted a customer?

It's similar to how I am fairly sure that no one, ever, and I mean ever, has watched a Youtube ad to the end once they've had the opportunity to "skip ad" after the first five seconds.

Published by Silent Rob at 7:52am on Thu 12th January 2017.

I sometimes watch youtube ads until the end. But only when I'm really really high and I forget what the hell I'm doing...

Published by pan-pan at 10:18am on Thu 12th January 2017.


Published by B-bam at 3:58pm on Thu 12th January 2017.

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Published by DavidDrile (not active) at 1:16am on Sat 25th February 2017.

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Published by StephenEMOLI (not active) at 6:22pm on Fri 31st March 2017.

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Published by Jimmyshoxy (not active) at 6:36pm on Sat 1st April 2017.

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Published by Armandoinoma (not active) at 7:06am on Mon 3rd April 2017.

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Published by JamesCer (not active) at 1:16am on Fri 14th April 2017.

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Published by AbaLackhyday (not active) at 12:35am on Thu 27th April 2017.

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Published by Michealbuh (not active) at 9:26pm on Mon 1st May 2017.

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Published by AbuKnotots (not active) at 8:32pm on Wed 3rd May 2017.

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Published by Aprufage (not active) at 5:43am on Thu 4th May 2017.

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Published by jacklog (not active) at 12:03am on Wed 7th June 2017.

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Published by SeyCaR (not active) at 9:07am on Sat 10th June 2017.

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Published by Anciclog (not active) at 6:57pm on Mon 11th September 2017.

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