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anyone know of any jobs in cambridge - working from home?


I am looking to buy a house so i am in need of lots of savings!

I work full time - but i need a second part time job - does any one know of any part time evening weekend jobs that can be done from home?

Published by emmablingbling at 2:16pm on Mon 1st October 2007. Viewed 1,692 times.

Proof-reading/copy editing can be done from home and pays reasonably well, but obviously you need to be good at it.

Published by sam i at 2:25pm on Mon 1st October 2007.

Do you know any *reputable* agencies? I know someone who could really use a job doing this, and who would be really good at it. There are a lot of dodgy 'sign up for our proof reading course and we'll get you work' kind of agencies which I don't particularly trust....

Published by NobleStray at 4:28pm on Mon 1st October 2007.

I know a couple of people who do it, but as far as I know, they don't use agencies. Once you get the confidence of an editor or publisher, they'll be keen to use you again. Does your friend have any qualifications or experience that might help get a foot in the door?

Published by sam i at 4:44pm on Mon 1st October 2007.

I've always thought about doing this, I have no actual qualifications in proof-reading/copy-editing but I am quite pedantic about grammar/spelling and it's something I actively enjoy doing - sad eh?

edited with shame

Published by Talullah at 4:49pm on Mon 1st October 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 5:39pm on Mon 1st October 2007.



Published by Teresa at 4:50pm on Mon 1st October 2007.

A lot of larger publishers will have a copy-editing or proof-reading test that they use to decide whether people are good enough to go on their list of 'approved' copy editors. Ring 'em up, I'm sure they'll be happy to tell you.

Published by sam i at 5:03pm on Mon 1st October 2007.

As a publisher, I'd advise looking at the advice on this site

As a publisher I only use freelancers listed in their directory - thus approved and trained by them so there is a set standard. As well as having brilliant skills and a great eye for detail, you must also be flexible, it's no good missing deadlines because something came up in your day job. As an 'employer' I can afford to be selective. As a former freelancer, I can advise that it pays to have the right qualifications. SFEP is very good for networking once you've gone through the training too but you have to invest in this work, it's not a hobby if you want to earn good money - enough to buy a house.

To be honest, unless you'd completed at least two of the listed courses, had significant amounts of in-house or previous on-the-job training from a reputable publishing house or were highly skilled in the subject area of the book or magazine I might employ you for, then I am afraid I would advise you to get the necessary training. I'm afraid all the world wants to earn extra cash as a proofreader or editor and you're up against a lot of hopefuls. A successful audition for X Factor is probably more achievable!

Published by Smithy at 9:31pm on Mon 1st October 2007.

Deleted Post

Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 11:13pm on Mon 1st October 2007.

Oh, I'm so qualified enough to be a member... duely bookmarked!

Published by lozzy at 9:54am on Tue 2nd October 2007.

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