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OXJAM- band needed

Hey there. Indiesoc is putting on a charity music night on October 20th to raise money for Oxfam via their Oxjam campaign. Unfortunately one of our bands has dropped out and we are looking for a replacement. Would anyone like to play or know of any band that would be up for it? Just email me on

Chris West

P.S Join our facebook group here:

and our myspace page is here:

Published by indiesoc at 2:35pm on Sun 23rd September 2007. Viewed 1,762 times.

Does it have to be indie music ?

Published by Matt R at 3:13pm on Sun 23rd September 2007.

Huh it has to be live, and kinda guitary. What did you have in mind?

Published by indiesoc at 11:48pm on Mon 24th September 2007.

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