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RIP Pepsi Tate

This won't mean much to most people on here, but Pepsi Tate founder member/bass player from a band I love, Tigertailz, died yesterday of cancer, aged just 42.

Was supposed to be going to see them in November and was due to have them on the rock show soon.

42 is no age. Very very sad news.


Published by ozzyfrogspawn (not active) at 9:48am on Wed 19th September 2007. Viewed 3,602 times.

well, 42 is an age but it is sad. Probably for the best thought, that reunion would of been shocking :P

Published by JazzRTC at 9:50am on Wed 19th September 2007.

Luckily he didn't get electricuted or my last post would of been even more distasteful.

Published by JazzRTC at 9:51am on Wed 19th September 2007.

The reunion has been happening for the last 18 months and they have since released 2 albums. The new one, Thrill Pistol is a corker. Obviously its not cool on here to say you like an album called Thrill pistol by a band called Tigertailz :0) - but it is a mighty fine album that made me feel good, and that is what counts innit :0)

They were due to suport Y&T on their forthcoming UK jaunt too.

To be honest mate, I'm gutted. Being from Wales it always made me chuckle in the 80s when they tried to 'out-Poison' Poison - there was always something faintly ridiculous about the whole thing but the music was great.

Published by ozzyfrogspawn (not active) at 9:55am on Wed 19th September 2007.

you can't 'out-Poison' Poison but bless them for trying.

Here's one for you, every night with Less than Jake I had to line check all the guitars so I played a different Poison tune each time. Third night in I cranked out 'Nothing but a Good Time' and the crowd went nuts. It's sad to say that I'm pretty sure the only time I get to stand on stage at the LA2 to a capacity crowd I'll be line checking someone elses guitar with someone elses songs.

I even got the soundman to do the 'Woo' bit over the monitors.

Saw Y&T last year, oh how I chuckled

Published by JazzRTC at 10:01am on Wed 19th September 2007.

Mate, you are hereafter not to be known as Jazz RTC, but by your new name Jazz CC....

as in... 'CC, pick up that guitar and-a talk to meeee'.


Published by ozzyfrogspawn (not active) at 10:04am on Wed 19th September 2007.

Oh, I got it Neil, I got it.

How many times did Poison say CC's name in their songs? If I was them I would of said it in every one. I remeber them saying it at the beginning of videos too.

'Hit it CC'

Published by JazzRTC at 10:11am on Wed 19th September 2007.

i woul dlike to hit cc...and i like ;posion

Published by Matt R at 10:26am on Wed 19th September 2007.

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