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Here we go again?

After reading the above It seems like the stage is being set for an other war in the middle east!
This time France wants a bash, at least the UK wasn't mentioned in the above article.
Obviously no one wants Iran to have nukes, maybe a good example could be set by other countries with the bomb. Could the UK not reduce weapon piles or something, or are the Iranian leaders beyond influence?
Looks pretty dicey at the moment withe the Russians testing British responce times with their bombers....
Pakistan; a nuclear armed nation decaying into a chatotic mess...
The iranians...
Vacume bombs etc....
What to do?

Published by brenda (not active) at 8:28am on Mon 17th September 2007. Viewed 3,246 times.

We're all gonna die, but never mind, Grande Arcade opens soon.

Published by brenda (not active) at 12:34pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

*Looks pretty dicey at the moment withe the Russians testing British responce times with their bombers....*

nothing new there , its not as if we didn't do it to them in the past , i wouldn't worry about that. besides a Bear ain't going to last 2 seconds against a Typhoon

Published by Matt R at 12:36pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

True........ but it has started again after a 14 year break.... just think it's all getting a bit hectic!

Published by brenda (not active) at 12:42pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

When you accept that you are already dead and there is no hope you can stop worrying and start enjoying life.

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 12:47pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

"When you accept that you are already dead..." you may well be, but I'd rather live to be 86 than be nuked by some one.

Published by brenda (not active) at 12:50pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

It's not the missiles in the sky that will get you, it's usually the idiot in the car or the madman down the alleyway.

Published by ababoonsass at 12:58pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

Deleted Post

Published by World Music World (not active) at 1:01pm on Mon 17th September 2007.


"...But why would nuclear material be in Syria? Known to have chemical weapons, was it seeking to bolster its arsenal with something even more deadly?

Alternatively, could it be hiding equipment for North Korea, enabling Kim Jong-il to pretend to be giving up his nuclear programme in exchange for economic aid? Or was the material bound for Iran, as some authorities in America suggest?...."


Once the Iranian regime gets the kit, or Pakistan looses it's grip, the world will tremble.

Published by brenda (not active) at 11:38pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

Or not. This kind of posturing, fuelled by snippets of information, uncertainty, claims and counter-claims happens from time to time, and as someone has preceptively commented on the Times website, history is cyclical, it is only the names and places that change. I suspect the main reason Kim Jong-il wants a nuclear weapon is because he's been told he can't, and there's nothing going to upset the West more than countries like North Korea and Iran refusing to cooperate. Personally, I'd be more worried about the US dropping nuclear devices than the axis of evil managing to cobble one together. The US didn't rule them out when they first went into Iraq and they showed 60 years ago that they weren't shy about giving it a go, no matter what cost to humanity. Anyway, the world may tremble, but I won't be shitting myself quite yet.

Published by pob74 at 12:12am on Tue 18th September 2007.


There is no doubt that the USA and it's military slackness is the fuel for nearly all the possible nuke situations in the world.
Regimes want the bomb, because they feel threatened by others that have.
We all know who started it globally, and in the scenario in question we all know who started it locally.

Published by brenda (not active) at 8:29am on Tue 18th September 2007.

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