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Albeton Live question ...

a question for any albeton live users out there... is there any plug in that lets you speed up/slow down records as you'd find on a standard set of decks/cd decks (ie not warping the record)?

thanks in advance for any responses!

Published by Rahaha at 12:30am on Mon 17th September 2007. Viewed 1,980 times.

Nope. Well, unless you just warp the track, then change the master BPM to what you want the actual BPM to be at, which is how you'd mix out of a normal deck. Traktor or other DJ software will let you do it, though. Why would you want to do so, anyway?

Published by Robadob at 12:47am on Mon 17th September 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:50am on Mon 17th September 2007.

Unless mixing out of standard decks is what you're trying to do, in which case, you can just start the master sequencer in time with the beat, click the tempo, then use up and down arrows to change the tempo in 1 BPM increments, and shift+arrow keys for finer adjustments, which you can adjust the BPM with and use as pitch bend, which is how I do it when DJing with Hannah.

Published by Robadob at 12:54am on Mon 17th September 2007.

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Published by bluebelle_ (not active) at 12:55am on Mon 17th September 2007.

...or you could do a rough impression through the transpose sample dial, though traktor would be better (as more accurate)

For raising and lowering the pitch? You can just switch the warp mode to repitch instead of complex, which will raise or lower the pitch as the track speeds up/slows down like a turntable or CDJ out of master tempo mode, rather than timestretching it like the other warp modes do.

Published by Robadob at 12:57am on Mon 17th September 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:57am on Mon 17th September 2007.

basically i'm using ableton to practise djing (as i dont have decks and i'm improving my skills as we've bagged some really good slots for uni events for freshers week)...

my friend suggested Traktor aswell so i might go in search of that... and some harddrive space.

thanks for the quick response!!!

Published by Rahaha at 12:57am on Mon 17th September 2007.

Ableton's fantastic, there's nothing as powerful, although pretty much a waste if you're not going to be doing much mixing, as it's geared mainly towards that. It's utterly useless for practicing beatmatching, though, although it's a great tool for learning to mix, as the donkey work of beatmatching's taken out of your hands, so it leaves you to concentrate on EQ and levels and timing. Not sure Traktor's any good, either, although I can't remember much of what it's like. I used to use Virtual DJ to practice manual beatmatching, as it's fairly effective to use keys to start each track, the mouse for the pitch slider and arrow keys for pitch bend, you just have to resist the temptation to look at the BPM counters, as all software will have them, but it's in your own interest if you using it to learn on not to look at them.

Published by Robadob at 1:04am on Mon 17th September 2007.

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Published by bluebelle_ (not active) at 1:28am on Mon 17th September 2007.

Sounds like Serato Scratch or Final Scratch is more what you're after than Ableton.

Published by sam i at 9:40am on Mon 17th September 2007.

Sounds like Serato Scratch or Final Scratch is more what you're after than Ableton.

No good without decks, though.

I never really get the point of Serato/Final Scratch. Seems an awful lot of trouble and expense to go to just so you can do something that's a necessary chore rather than a creative process. If the laptop's there, why not just use Ableton or something, and if you don't like computer DJing, just use vinyl/CDs. Looks like a weird backwards step to use a computer program in order to beatmatch like you weren't using a computer program.

Published by Robadob at 4:51pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

You can use the mouse to control the 'decks' in Scratch if you want to. Not sure about Final Scratch.

Published by sam i at 4:58pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

yeah, i think i'm gonna just use ableton to try out ideas... i dont have a laptop and probably wont be DJing off anything other than vinyl/cds for the immediate future.

thanks for the advice all!

Published by Rahaha at 8:58pm on Mon 17th September 2007.

If you want to time stretch, then Audacity will do it.

It's free. I've never used it myself....but it will time stretch and/or pitch shift.

I doubt it will work alongside Ableton, but you should be able to bounce/export out the section you want to time stretch, do it in Audacity, then import it back in.

Published by Tetley at 12:04am on Tue 18th September 2007.

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