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Strawberry Fair Anual General Meeting


Dear Wan Types,

I know it seems a bit early but in a few short weeks we will begin planning for the 2008 Strawberry Fair.

If you're interested in getting involved in organising strawberry fair feel free to pop along to the upstairs room at the boathouse on wednesday 26th September at 8pm.

Basically at this meeting last years committee officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary & Treasurer) all resign and we elect some new ones, we have a look at the debrief meeting reports from june, have a look at the accounts and set the date for strawberry fair 2008.

Then we start setting meeting dates till christmas where we start planning the fair. Just so people know how (and when) to approach strawberry fair..... strawberry fair is run by the people of cambridge for the people of cambridge and so if people want to wander along to meetings and suggest an extreme ironing tournament be held at strawberry fair ask for a commision to build us some honking great piece of artwork or anything else we'd love to hear from you about from october till christmas, if you wander along to meetings nearer the fair and say i'd like to host a something tent / stage / event you'll probably get the response i wish you'd asked us about this before we sent the site plan to the council in january.

This year i'll try to keep folks on WAN and other pools of helpfull people informed as to what we're up to for 2008



Published by strawberry-ozzy (not active) at 10:12am on Fri 7th September 2007. Viewed 2,882 times.

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