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/ Homepage / Events / Venue: The Elm Tree

The Elm Tree

Sara Mitra - live monthly

Address: Orchard Street, Cambridge CB1 1JT
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Telephone: 01223 363005

A charming hidden gem in the heart of the pretty Cambridge backstreets, The Elm Tree is Cambridge's longest running jazz bar. It offers a diverse and exceptionally high quality jazz based live music programme. Includes sensational vocalist Sara Mitra (pictured) and local bluesman Tom Colborn, as well as resident Jazz Masters Andy Bowie and Paul Stubbs who play every Sunday and Monday. The Elm is a traditional tavern, offering a superb selection of locally brewed real ales and an irresistable wine list. The Elm Tree promotes a No Door Charge policy and an active commitment to supporting and launching young local talent. Under New Ownership. (photograph by Richard Ecclestone)

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