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Harmonica Workshop with Steve Lockwood


Sunday 28th November 2010

Venue: Huntingdon Commemoration Hall
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: harmonica fun!
Price Info: £25
Time Info: 11am - 3.30pm

Harmonica workshop by Steve Lockwood

Play blues rhythms, cool country wails, pitch bend all the way down and jam along with new rockin’ solos. No matter what your level of playing, from complete beginner to advanced, this session will help improve your blues and pop playing and get the best out of this deceptively humble instrument. This latest workshop is suitable for new learners and those who have attended before as there are all new songs

Steve will introduce more pop/rock, folk and blues material and cover basic and intermediate techniques for the harmonica. Harmonicas (diatonic) in C are available on the day for £8.

Steve is a musician with a world wide reputation currently working with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, performing regular concerts in his own right and working on a theatre musical in Switzerland. Steve holds a degree in harmonica from Anglia Ruskin and is a fully-qualified teacher.

For more details email Steve:

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