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/ Homepage / Events / World premiere of IJAD Dance Company's In-Visible

World premiere of IJAD Dance Company's In-Visible

Friday 29th October 2010

Venue: All Saints Church, Jesus Lane
Category: Dance
Price Info: From £7.50
Time Info: 8pm

In-Visible is a vibrant and revealing performance using a mixture of dance, film and interactive installation. It was created through a collaborative process and explores the hidden stories and secrets found in the towns, cities and villages of Cambridgeshire.

The pilot project Secrets began in February 2010 and over 100 people in Cambridgeshire and Essex have participated in IJAD’s workshops learning dance moves and donating their secrets. Each week IJAD travelled to a new place and worked with people of all ages and backgrounds. The aim was to discover and celebrate Englishness.

The performance and accompanying installation draw on the material contributed by local people, using the stories and hidden secrets of the places they live in. In-Visible is fun, intriguing and sometimes absurd; it shifts between story telling and beautiful, abstract narratives. It is a promenade performance and audiences will be guided through the space as the stories interweave around them.

‘I loved the workshop - Joumana's energy and spirit are wonderfully uplifting and encouraging. The Secrets theme is very exciting and inspiring’ Helena Bacon, workshop participant

All Saints Church will house an accompanying installation which will be open to visitors during the day. The installation is interactive and uses photography, text and video to narrate a series of secrets.

IJAD Dance Company is an interdisciplinary dance and arts company. The work is based on different dance genres, visual media, design, and film. IJAD examines social and political issues through movement and aims to create work relevant to the context and time we are living in. The company also explores current discoveries in dance technique and the use of technology in order to break the boundaries of conventional movement. In the past IJAD has performed at venues such as the ICA, Colchester Arts Centre, Cloud Dance Festival and Arcola Theatre.

Cambridge Festival of Ideas, All Saints Church, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8PB
Dates: 21 – 30 October (excluding Sunday 24 and Monday 25 of October).
Promenade performance – 8pm
Tickets - £10.50 (£7.50 concessions)

To book:
In-Visible will tour to Colchester Arts Centre, Church Street, Colchester, Essex CO1 1NF
Wednesday 3 – Thursday 4 November 2010 at 7.30pm

Notes to editors
IJAD Dance Company was founded in 1999 by Joumana Mourad - Choreographer and Artistic Director.
The style is a fusion of Raqs Sharqui- commonly known as belly dance, neo-classical, and contemporary dance.

For further information please contact Joumana on 07930 378639 or

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