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30th Cambridge Film Festival


Tuesday 21st September 2010

Venue: Arts Picturehouse
Category: Film

The 30th Cambridge Film Festival takes place from 16-26 September. Bold and imaginative in our presentation of films, we embrace the latest technology, while also showcasing our passion for the heritage of cinema. This year's Festival is a special occasion for us, as we will be celebrating 30 years of nurturing emerging talent, showcasing cutting-edge films and championing new methods of filmmaking.

The 30th Cambridge Film Festival (16-26 Sept) will open on Thursday Sept 16 with the UK Premiere of Luc Besson’s (The Fifth Element, Leon, The Big Blue) lavish new fantasy costume drama, The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec, starring Louise Bourgoin and Mattieu Amalric (Mesrine, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly).

The Festival will wrap things up on Sunday Sept 26 with Nigel Cole’s (Calendar Girls) eagerly awaited Made In Dagenham starring Sally Hawkins (Happy-Go-Lucky), Bob Hoskins, Miranda Richardson, Rosamund Pike and Jaime Winstone.

This year's Festival features 198 programmes, with over 200 films including retrospectives for Roy Andersson and Guillermo de Toro, seasons of new African and German cinema, family friendly films in the first Cambridge Family Film Festival, archive and short programmes and a look at the great 'Never Mades' including Kubrick's Napoleon.

Visit for programme information

You can book tickets via | 0871 704 2050 | Cinema Box Office

The Cambridge Film Festival is run by the Cambridge Film Trust.

The Arts Picturehouse is proud to be the main host venue of the Cambridge Film Festival.

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