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/ Homepage / Events / International Night of the Guitars

International Night of the Guitars

Saturday 25th September 2010

Venue: Comberton Leisure
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Acoustic Heaven!
Price Info: £12
Time Info: 7.30pm

THE INTERNATIONAL GUITAR NIGHT (IGN)is the world's premier touring guitar festival. Each show brings together the most interesting and innovative acoustic guitarists to exchange musical ideas in a public concert setting. Each tour, IGN founder Brian Gore invites a new cast of guitar luminaries to join him for special evenings of solos, duets and quartets that highlight the virtuosity and diversity within the world of acoustic guitar.

Audiences cherish the virtuosity of the playing and the friendly, informal ambiance of the performances. Participants relish the chance to play with peers from different genres, and to collaborate rather than compete. This unique brand of “guitar positivity” has helped make IGN the most successful guitar showcase of its kind.

“With the International Guitar Night, Brian Gore has created a new niche for the myriad of styles that can be played by the unaccompanied acoustic guitar, as well as marvelous opportunity for virtuosos to interact and learn from one another onstage.”
-Michael Parrish, Dirty Linen (100th Anniversary Edition)

"A magical evening."
-Nikki Nelson, Cowichan Theater, Duncan BC

"The audience loved this show."
-Bruce Labadie, Villa Montalvo, Saratoga, California

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