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/ Homepage / Events / Ukulele Workshops run by Ukeon

Ukulele Workshops run by Ukeon

Sunday 26th September 2010

Venue: University of Cambridge: various
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: ukulele workshops
Price Info: £20.00
Time Info: 2.00pm - 4.30pm

1 day Ukulele workshop for those with some experience* covering various ukulele topics. You will be learning different strum patterns, melody and harmony lines to come together to play as an ensemble. The workshop is for 2 ½ hours with a ½ break in the middle to rest your fingers if you wish! The cost is £20.00 and refreshments will be provided. Please come with your ukulele already tuned and ready to play!

*(chords required C, F, G, G7, D7, Am, Dm, Em, E7).

Please email Roz: to book.

Location: Lecture Theatre 4, Department of Engineering, Trumpington St, Cambridge. Parking available.

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