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/ Homepage / Events / African Djembe and Dundun Drumming for intermediate

African Djembe and Dundun Drumming for intermediate

Tuesday 5th October 2010

Venue: The Bath House (Gwydir St)
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: african drumming
Price Info: £63 for 7 week cours
Time Info: 8-9.30pm

This group has been playing for two years and has been playing the dundun (bass) drums for a year and the djembe for two. We still work on technique, but are now concentrating on consolidating previous material as well as working on new stuff. Emphasis is on working as an ensemble and soloing. We know: Kuku, Garangedon and Kotoba amongst others, including intros, breaks for all parts as well as solo phrases for the djembes.

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