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/ Homepage / Events / Sweeney Todd the Musical

Sweeney Todd the Musical


Thursday 26th August 2010

Venue: Comberton Leisure
Category: Theatre
One Liner: Blood and Pies
Price Info: £5 / £3 cons - door
Time Info: 2.30pm & 7.30pm

The stART Advanced Academy offers young people the chance to act, sing and dance in this fabulous musical. The cast have had just nine pressurised days to learn their parts. Young people are truely running this show with a young tech team building the porps and set as well as running the lights, sound and doing publicity. The musical is directed by Ella Lyons with support from the stART Academy team.

There are two performances on Thursday 26th August one at 2.30pm and one at 7.30pm. Refreshments including suspicious looking pies will be available!!

Tickets are £5 on the door or £3 for under 16s

There are some instances of bad language and scenes which some people might find distribing in the play. Therefore we recommend that under 14 are accommpanied by an adult


Error Reporting: Contact Richard, the publisher of this event.