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Change your Mind: Introduction to Buddhist Meditation

Tuesday 14th September 2010

Venue: Cambridge Buddhist Centre
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: A practical introduc
Price Info: £80 / £45 conc
Time Info: 2.30 - 4.30pm

Six afternoons plus a day meditation practice day. Participants are encouraged to practice at home for 30 minutes a day at least 4 days a week during the course.

We will be learning 3 meditation practices (and walking meditation), all of which will be led through during the early part of the course. There will be opportunities for discussion and questions to explore the meditations and the helpful attitudes of mind and heart that they cultivate. While the practices come from the Buddhist tradition you don’t need to be a Buddhist to do them but we will aim to give you some idea on the course of the full potential of Buddhist meditation.

A Meditation practice day on 23rd October 10am-4pm is included in the price: please bring vegetarian food for a shared lunch on the day.

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