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People's Cinema


Friday 23rd July 2010

Venue: The Cafe Project
Category: Film
One Liner: films for the people
Price Info: Free entry!
Time Info: 8pm (Cafe open 7.30)

The Peoples Cinema, films for the people!

Come and enjoy a regular series of thought provoking documentaries, lesser known cinema and general oddities. We are fully liscensed to sell tea and cake to the audience :)

Cafe open from 7:30pm, films begin at 8pm, stay around for discussion afterwards.

This Weeks Film: Aboriginal Architecture Living Architecture

A film exploring how indigenous North Americans have adapted and evolved their architectural heritage after colonisation pretty much wiped away indigenous buildings. The film was made by Cree documentary maker Paul Rickard.

"Aboriginal Architecture Living Architecture provides a virtual tour of seven Aboriginal communities--Pueblo, Mohawk, Inuit, Crow, Navajo, Coast Salish and Haida--revealing how each is actively reinterpreting and adapting traditional forms for contemporary purposes."

(Ben or whoever is doing the screening will be volunteering too, if you want to help out, you're more than welcome! If it's your first time just let us know and we can come a bit early and show you the ropes)

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