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/ Homepage / Events / Crushing Death & Grief: Allo Darlin' + The Sunbathers + Model Village + Moustache Of Insanity

Crushing Death & Grief: Allo Darlin' + The Sunbathers + Model Village + Moustache Of Insanity

Saturday 21st August 2010

Venue: The Portland Arms
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: ukulele pop
Price Info: £5 adv / £6 door
Time Info: 7pm

Allo Darlin’ are a thing of indiepop wonder; one minute they’re melancholic, bittersweet balladeers, the next, frenzied, fun-filled, elastic joy-bringers. Somehow they manage to combine an earnest naivete with the heartbreak and weariness of grown-up life without abandoning the hope of the better times around the corner. All of this would amount to naught if it wasn’t for the uniform excellence of their pop tunes. If you take all the best bits of positively charged 1980’s pop culture and condensed them down, you’d end up with a collection of Allo Darlin’ songs.

The group started around 2007 when Elizabeth started a love affair with the ukulele, and recorded an EP for WeePOP! Records. Last year Allo Darlin’ became a ‘proper’ band and released the ‘Henry Rollins Don’t Dance’ single, a tune so madly catchy that even the harDCore kids are obliged to get down to Abba. Earlier this year their debut, eponymous album came out, on the always-great Fortuna Pop! Records, and has turned out to be the ultimate summer record. Whatever the record equivalent of an ‘unputdownable book’ is, that’s what it is. If you’re into songs that make you grin ear to ear, followed by moments of sad, reflective beauty, all intertwined with bits of Weezer, Cyndi Lauper, The Just Joans and a whole load of ba-ba-ba harmonies then you’ve come to the right place.

Gentle, wistful tunes about the seaside aren’t what you’d necessarily expect from a group from Northamptonshire, but shoemaking probably doesn’t inspire good music. The Sunbathers are Paul and Julie, a pair who are into Motown girl groups, Marine Research and Altered Images and who make songs that are a bit like hiding from a sudden shower in Southwold with the Lucksmiths, Camera Obscura and Kings of Convenience.

Folky AOR indiepop grumblers.

Casio-fuelled, two-man funpop.

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