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Cambridge Shakespeare Festival


Saturday 31st July 2010

Venue: Cambridge Colleges
Category: Theatre
One Liner: Shakespeare
Price Info: £14, Concessions £10
Time Info: 7:30pm

Cambridge Shakespeare festival is the UK's best-loved open-air Shakespeare Festival. Set in the magnificent college gardens of Cambridge University, audiences can enjoy a picnic on a glorious summer evening before sitting back to watch a spectacular performance in full period costume with live Elizabethan music.

Attracting over 25,000 visitors, the Festival takes place over eight weeks with performances of Love’s Labour’s Lost, Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew, As You Like It, Twelfth Night and Henry V. The Festival runs from July 12th to 28th August 2010, tickets can be bought online at

Error Reporting: Contact Russell Cook, the publisher of this event.