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/ Homepage / Events / Quimper, The Bogdanov Affair, Canaveral

Quimper, The Bogdanov Affair, Canaveral

Wednesday 14th July 2010

Venue: The Portland Arms
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Noise
Price Info: Donations
Time Info: 8 - 11

Quimper - will have a clip and biog by the end of the week.

The Bogdanov Affair - comprise various members of Sawchestra, who you can see here: They are possibly the greatest band in the world, so logically a cut down version are nearly the greatest band in the world.

Canaveral - Different every time.

There will also be cakes and a free raffle of terrible prizes. You can take as many tickets as you like, it depends how much you want to win. There may be films too, it depends on the weather and how light it is in the evening.

This is at the Portland and it is FREE to get in, though there will be a Fez for donations towards costs. Pay what you like to get in.

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