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/ Homepage / Events / A Rock College Course - Band 101

A Rock College Course - Band 101

Saturday 24th July 2010

Venue: Mulletboy Rehearsal Studios
Category: Talks & Classes
Price Info: £76
Time Info: Sat 10-4, Sun 10-4

So can you can play a bit but you don't know anyone
else to play with?

This weekend course should be the first point of call
for any budding, bedroom musician. Band 101 will put
you in a band for a weekend with other musicians just
like yourself. You will learn the basics of playing with
other musicians, a hugely beneficial experience that is
not only fun but will speed up your own progress on
your instrument and give you a better all round
musical understanding. For older musicians this
course will also touch on basic music business. For
younger ones it's more about fun with a few music
related games thrown in.

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