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Rocksoc End of Term gig

Sunday 29th November 2009

Venue: The Portland Arms
Category: Gigs & Live Music
Price Info: £3/4 or £4/$5
Time Info: 8pm, 29th Nov

Rocksoc End of Term gig - Sunday November 29th, at the Portland Arms, 8pm

Headliner: Godsized - Having recently played two blinding sets at Bloostock
'09, Godsized are coming to Cambridge to play their Black Label Society
influenced material. Having received rave review after rave review in the
media as well as anyone who has seen them live previously, these guys will
be nothing short of amazing.

Main support: The Mercy House - Ever wanted to hear what a band consisting of
Iron Maiden, Soundgarden and AIC members would sound like? Now you can and
despite being around for only a short time, The Mercy House are already
starting to make waves and are sure to become big names in the future.

Opener - Hold Fast For all those that like a bit of gothic punk/pop/rock,
this is for you and have been known to incorporate such things as
megaphones in the stage show! One reviewer described them as "Robert Smith
and PJ Harvey's illegitimate love child".

Tickets are £3 advance / £4 door for RockSoc members. email to be put on the advance ticket list. £4 advance for
non-members ( / £5 door.

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