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The Big Lebowski late night screening

Friday 20th November 2009

Venue: Arts Picturehouse
Category: Film
One Liner: The Dude abides
Price Info: £6.60/£5.70/£4.60
Time Info: 11.30pm

This Friday (20th) we've got a special late night screening of THE BIG LEBOWSKI to celebrate the release of their highly anticipated new release A SERIOUS MAN.

We'll have White Russians (and Black Russians!) on a special menu on the bar that night to have a totally dude-like experience.

Tickets are on sale now! Tell all your friends..

Booking and info:
0871 704 2050
Box Office

A case of mistaken identity provides the basis for this offbeat thriller featuring Jeff Bridges as Jeff Lebowski. The story opens as thugs break into Lebowski's apartment in the errant belief that they are accosting Jeff Lebowski, the eccentric philanthropist, and not the laid back, unemployed Jeff Lebowski known as 'The Dude'. In the aftermath of the crime, The Dude seeks restitution from his wealthy namesake. But instead of getting a replacement for his soiled carpet, The Dude is swept up in a caper involving loan sharks and kidnapping. Featured among the ensemble are John Goodman, Steven Buscemi, Peter Stormare, John Turturro and Jon Polito.

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