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/ Homepage / Events / A" Telephone Bill & the Smooth Operators production with The Lonely at CB2 Basement

A" Telephone Bill & the Smooth Operators production with The Lonely at CB2 Basement

Friday 20th November 2009

Venue: CB2 Restaurant and Cafe
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Great music...
Price Info: £6
Time Info: 7.30pm

Telephone Bill and the Smooth Operators are back and hosting every third Friday in the month a show with special guests at the cosy CB2 Basement venue. Telephone Bill & The Smooth Operators (previously known as The Burglars) are an acoustic band. That's it really; not a folk group (certainly not a folk group), not jazz, not country, not swing, not blues, not doo-wop, but a jazz, country, swing, blues, doo-wop group. They all play lots of instruments and sing - really quite well. If you get Asleep at the Wheel, Ry Cooder, Dan Hicks, Howlin' Wolf, Chris Cox and Duke Ellington, you'll understand. Nick Barraclough: Vocals, Guitar, Dobro, Banjo, Double Bass. Robb Appleton: Vocals, Harmonica, Double Bass. Steve Reynolds: Vocals, Accordian, Piano, Double Bass. Chris Cox: Vocals, Guitar, Double Bass, Mandolin.

This months guests are The Lonely (unplugged...) celebrating their 30th anniversary... you don't get that for murder these days...
MOJO Magazine...
And I’m glad to say it’s been well worth the wait. Like other Cantab bands with whom they’ve shared personnel (Katrina and The Waves, The Soft Boys) this bunch base their sound on warm-hearted, warp driven guitars and vocals ranging from stacked, gossamer harmonies to tough-laryxed rock’nroll. It’s all motivated by a record collection running from “55 to ‘75- Little Walter to Little Feat via Little Stevie Marriott. Unlike many pretenders, the Anglo-American make-up of the ensemble means that these influences are lightly worn: the Small Faces-esque White Lightning hangs easily next to Talking to Elvis, an à la mode satire on rednecks. This is a knowledgeable and passionate album.

Should be an interesting night...

Further details
CB2, 5/7, Norfolk St, Cambridge, CB1 2LD
01223 508355 • •

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