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/ Homepage / Events / Anji Jackson-Main: Spirit and Gesture

Anji Jackson-Main: Spirit and Gesture


Friday 27th November 2009

Venue: New Hall Art Collection
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Exhibition
Price Info: Free
Time Info: Open daily 10am- 6pm

Starting from dynamic experiences of the body in motion, Anji Jackson-Main’s work strives to present an analogue of movement that uses the physical ‘body’ of paint in order to capture the spirit of gesture and the sense of human embodiment. “It is not my intention to represent movement, so much as to attempt to penetrate the spaces between frames, so to speak, in movement. What happens in the transition between one gesture and the next? What, indeed, is movement? How do we get from here to there? And what would it look like if you could see it all at once?”

Anji lives and works in Cambridge and is currently taking the Master of Fine Art degree at Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University.

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