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/ Homepage / Events / AA Rebetiko - Greek Music Concert

AA Rebetiko - Greek Music Concert

Saturday 21st November 2009

Venue: Little St Mary's Church
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: SOAS Rebetiko Band
Price Info: £6 / £4 concs
Time Info: 7.45pm

Rebetiko Concert - Little St Mary's - Saturday 21 November 7.45pm

You are invited to attend a Greek Music concert entitled

"ANATHEMA SE THALASSA: Songs of Ships, Migrations and Diaspora" *

played by the Famous SOAS Rebetiko Band, freshly returned from tour to
Istanbul, Athens and Hydra

DATE: Saturday 21 November 2009

VENUE: Little St Mary's Church (next to Peterhouse), Trumpington Street, CB2

By kind permission of the Vicar and Churchwardens

START: 7.45pm. Doors open 7.35pm

ADMISSION: £6 (Hellenic Society and Cypriot Society £4)

RESERVATION is recommended: Seats can be reserved in advance by e-mail to

After the concert our musicians will go to the Cross Keys pub in Saxon
Street, for a Rebetiko jam session and dance party. Starts: c.9.00pm.
Admission free, with priority for those holding tickets for the preceding

The concert will be preceded by a seminar and film show about the history of
rebetiko, to be held in the Ramsden Room, St Catharine's College at 5.30pm.
Admission free.

Facebook page:

Band website:

Further details from

This event is part of the occasional concert series organised by the
Cambridge World Music Collective

[* trans: "A curse upon the sea"]

Error Reporting: Contact Ed Emery, the publisher of this event.