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/ Homepage / Events / Octopus Ride! with Ripping Yarns & JG Harding

Octopus Ride! with Ripping Yarns & JG Harding

Saturday 7th November 2009

Venue: The Globe Ale House
Category: Gigs & Live Music
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 8.30pm - 1am

As genetic lotteries go, the stakes will be pretty high for Kai Wayne, the newborn son of Wayne and Coleen Rooney. On the one hand, it's possible that the shuffling of chromosomes will produce a combination of model-like good looks and natural footballing brilliance. On the other... well, it doesn't really bear thinking about.

Saturday's gig at the Globe Ale House throws up a similar array of possibilities. Our headline act Ripping Yarns are an acerbic two-piece post-punk band whose material tips the hat to early Wire, the Fall, and almost certainly a lot of very hip indie-rock bands I've not heard of. Support comes in the shape of singer-songwriter JG Harding, who is endowed with a spine-chillingly pure voice and a seemingly endless supply of swoonsome ballads. I'm hoping that the fusion of the two will create a memorable and beautiful evening of music in which the two lock together like yin and yang, or peanuts and beer. And if it doesn't, well, you'll just have to drink more.

So that's Octopus Ride! at the Globe Ale House, this Saturday 7th November, featuring Ripping Yarns and JG Harding. The Globe hasn't moved from Hills Road, Cambridge, the door price has not risen from £0, and you can still expect music to begin around eight-thirty, with DJ Steve Fenton's rocking sounds carrying you through into the small hours.

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