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/ Homepage / Events / Lindy hop classes every Wednesday.

Lindy hop classes every Wednesday.

Wednesday 25th November 2009

Venue: Centre at St. Pauls
Category: Dance

7:30pm - 8:30pm: Beginners
8:30pm - 9pm: Social dancing
9pm - 10pm: Intermediate

We teach in 4 week blocks but you are welcome to join us at any time. No partner necessary!

Blocks this term start: 9/9, 30/9, 28/10, 25/11

Price: £4 (members) / £5 (non-members) for one class, or just £1 extra for both classes

No previous dance experience is required. You will learn 6-count and 8-count basic steps in a fun environment.

As a guide, you should have at least approximately 6 months dance experience, and should feel comfortable with both 6- and 8-count basics, including the Charleston, Lindy Turn (Swing Out), Lindy Circle, and simple footwork variations. We recommend that you attend at least two 4-week Beginner blocks before attempting this class if you have no previous dance experience. This class focuses on improving your dancing in a fun and challenging environment, and covers fundamental social dancing techniques such as connecting with your partner, improving your footwork, and musicality.

Phone: 07946 389221

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