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Baby Yoga classes


Wednesday 22nd September 2010

Venue: The Old Dispensary
Category: Children & Family
One Liner: Postnatal yoga
Price Info: £36 per block of six
Time Info: 10.30 - 11.45

Baby yoga is adapted from classic yoga poses to give you and your baby the opportunity to be stimulated, stretched and strengthened. The benefits for babies include strengthening, improved digestion, stimulation of the senses, development of the brain and nervous system, greater settling and improved sleep patterns.

One baby yoga session can give your baby as much stimulation as a whole day of being carried and handled. Classes also include post-natal yoga, which can help you to start exercising after the birth of your baby, to close your body after birth, tone your muscles, relieve stiffness, help you to bond with your baby and relax.

Classes involve lots of singing and dancing, a relaxation with your baby and the chance to have a drink and a chat at the end of each class.

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