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/ Homepage / Events / African Djembe Drumming for intermediates

African Djembe Drumming for intermediates

Tuesday 6th July 2010

Venue: The Bath House (Gwydir St)
Category: Talks & Classes
One Liner: African Drumming
Price Info: £63 per half term
Time Info: 8-9.30pm

This course started in September 07 and has been progressing nicely since then. Participants are confident with following rhythms: Le Kuli, Kotoba, Garangedon, Kuku, Ikolide, Macru, Soko and other bits and bobs. Rhythms include two accompaniments, all three rhythms played on the dundun drums and solo phrases!!! If you are a complete beginner this isn't for you. Check out the classes on Wed or Mon (during term time). New beginners class starts this Sept on a Mon. For further info check out or email me at: or phone: 01223 515168

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