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Sarah Lightman: In Memoriam

Sarah Lightman: Toothbrushes

Monday 9th November 2009

Venue: New Hall Art Collection
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Diary Drawings
Price Info: Free Entry
Time Info: Open daily 10am- 6pm

Sarah Lightman produces diary drawings; autobiographical images and texts that form an ongoing graphic novel of her life. 'In Memoriam' is a series of A4 drawings that charts the artist's continuing examination of how drawing can be used to communicate a personal history, while reverberating with a larger audience. In an age obsessed by the intimacies of others, where private and public are no longer polarized opposites, Sarah strives to engage the viewer not through self-promoting bombast but through a subtle examination of community, family, relationships and self. Whilst she is the central figure in the unfolding narrative, her work predominately focuses on her relationship with others, with objects increasingly substituting for portraits and scenes. These isolated objects are full of emotional resonance, and convey sadness and loss but also optimism for the future.
This exhibition of drawings opened at Another Roadside Attraction Gallery, Hackney, London, in September 2009, and is accompanied by an introductory essay by Dr. Kylie Cardell, Lecturer of English Literature at Flinders University, South Australia, who wrote her PhD thesis on 'Everyday Authenticity: Contemporary Uses of The Diary'.
More information about the artist and her work can be found at

A one day conference, 'Women in Comics' will accompany this exhibition on the 25th of October 2009. With its unique collection of 20th Century Women's Art, The New Hall Art Collection provides the perfect venue for a gathering of practitioners, academics, curators and enthusiasts. Women comic artists will speak about their work, and broader discussion will include the representation of women in comics. The event will run as part of The Cambridge Festival of Ideas week.
The conference is organised by Laurence Grove and Sarah Lightman (both University of Glasgow). Pre-booking is essential.
Please email Amanda Rigler at for more information.

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