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in situ: Learn to Act II (Advanced)

Oedipus Rex

Sunday 22nd November 2009

Venue: St Andrew's Hall
Category: Theatre
Time Info: 10:00am-4:30pm

Learn to Act II explores more challenging areas of acting, such as text, movement, vocal skills and staging dialogue. It is attended by many people who complete Learn to Act I and want to go further, but it is also open to people who already have performing experience and are in search of something more demanding. It is entirely up to you which one you want to do.

One of the main themes of Learn to Act II is THE VOICE, and you will encounter many games, exercises and techniques designed to widen the range, power and flexibility of the voice, that most versatile of all instruments, which so many people are reluctant or unable to use to its full potential either in performance or in other areas of their lives. This theme is closely related to the exploration and interpretation of TEXT.

All participants will be asked to choose and learn a text, which they will have a chance to perform in all sorts of contrasting ways as the course progresses, with a view to discovering how the written word can be made to come alive in performance. We will also work on a text by a major playwright, such as Chekhov or Ibsen.

At the end of the course, participants will be in a position to perform for an audience.

see for details and booking information

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