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Open Day

Saturday 21st November 2009

Venue: Anglia Ruskin University
Category: Fairs & Markets
One Liner: Open Day
Price Info: F.O.C
Time Info: 10am-3pm

Anglia Ruskin University is once again preparing to welcome people from all over the East of England to its Cambridge and Chelmsford campuses for a day of discussions and activities, which will help to reveal the many Higher Education opportunities available to them.

The forthcoming Open Days on 7 February, 9 May, 10 October and 21 November 2009 will allow potential students from all over the East of England to find out more about undergraduate study.

The exhibitors involved in the event will include the Students' Union, Sports Department, Community Development Office, University Chaplaincy, Employer Mentoring Scheme which matches second year students with employees from local organisations. The employees act as 'Business Mentors' on a one-to-one basis providing a career related voice of experience for the student which helps to develop their workplace skills and business awareness.

The Faculties involved in the Open Day include Arts Law and Social Sciences, Science & Technology, the Ashcroft International Business School, Education and Faculty of Health and Social Care.

Anglia Ruskin University Open Days generally attract 800-1000 prospective students to the campus plus members of their family and friends. Each Open Day is held between 10am and 3pm, and each one is a key recruitment day for the University.

Those interested in attending one of the Open Days can pre-register online at or call 0845 271 3333 for more details on which courses are offered on which campus.

Error Reporting: Contact Anglia Ruskin Uni, the publisher of this event.