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The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare

Sunday 26th August 2007

Venue: Sidney Sussex Chapel
Category: Theatre
One Liner: Stage Tour
Price Info: £5 / £4
Time Info: 4.30PM

Cambridge University American Stage Tour previews William Shakespeare’s ‘The Winter’s Tale’ this August.

A challenging play that is seldom staged is illuminated with reference to ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’: a mad hatter, March hare and a bear.

Paranoid King Leontes banishes the Princess to Bohemia, erasing the terrible truth of his error. Discovered, she becomes the belle of Bohemia, loved by Florizel and adored by the bumpkins. But when events conspire to bring together Leontes' stagnant court with this curious world, boundaries blur and statues become queens as the landscape is transformed.

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