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/ Homepage / Events / Miranda Barber and Rebecca Heylan

Miranda Barber and Rebecca Heylan

Saturday 18th August 2007

Venue: The Boathouse
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Husky sulty divas
Price Info: £5
Time Info: 8pm doors open

Miranda Barber plays the audience & piano like a Broadway nightclub hostess in a Sinatra film. The rich, cigarettes-&-whisky harmonics in her voice give her songs a seductive mix of the vampish & innocent. She has the rare gift of projecting intimacy whilst opening up a peephole into her personal world.

Joined by Sian Lattimer on backing vocals and percussion this is a live performance not to be missed.

Also Cambridge local, Rebecca Heylen, weaves her bluesy magic.

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