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Acoustic Cafe

Monday 27th August 2007

Venue: The Bun Shop
Category: Gigs & Live Music
One Liner: Acoustic Cafe
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 9pm

The Bun Shop, King St, Cambridge
Acoustic Cafe: Pamela Wyn Shannon and Bernard Hoskin. 9pm. Free Entry.

American singer/songwriter Pamela Wyn Shannon joins resident singer/songwriter Bernard Hoskin at the Bun Shop, King St, on Monday August 27. Pamela’s inventive and intricate guitar work has been described as "a tiny chamber orchestra working in unison at the end of her hands," and her vocal style has a delicate lilting sensitivity. She has attracted international attention with her progressive pastoral folk music. Her unique compositions have an elliptical quality which creates its own timeframe, rules, and kingdoms, and are reminiscent of the magic found in UK '60s artifacts and Appalachian folk music.

The music starts at 9pm and it’s free entry. For more information see

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