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Learning to Press Pause

Friday 20th July 2007

Venue: Inner Space
Category: Talks & Classes
Price Info: Free
Time Info: 7:30pm - 9pm

Feel like your life is in fast forward? The pace of life is constantly accelerating and in our rush to 'get it all done' we can easily lose sight of those things that are most important to us. Pause....In this space we see ourselves and our lives, and can reconnect with everything that makes us feel alive. (Speaker: Alka Patel – has been leading a spiritual life from a very young age. She is responsible for communications at the International Centre of the Brahma Kumaris. Alka is an open hearted and generous person who combines administrative skills with natural creative ability.
VENUE: 6 King's Parade, Cambridge
TEL: 01223 464616

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