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/ Homepage / Events / Silk & Bamboo Classical Chinese Music

Silk & Bamboo Classical Chinese Music


Friday 27th July 2007

Venue: Ely Cathedral
Category: Classical Music
One Liner: chinese music
Price Info: £10/£8
Time Info: 7.30pm-free talk 7pm

Lyrical, expressive and harmonious, enjoy an exploration of the rich traditional heritage of Chinese classical music with a combination of solo and ensemble pieces performed in traditional costume by Xiao Ying (Guzheng), Han Ying (Yangqin), Peng Ling (Erhu). Before the concert join us for a complimentary taste of Chinese tea & crackers with our performers who will give for a brief overview of Chinese music and their instruments.

Box Office: ADeC, Babylon Gallery, Waterside, Ely, Cambs Tel: 01353 616991

Also from the Cathedral Box Office Tel: 01353 660349 and online

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