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/ Homepage / Events / Boat Open Day

Boat Open Day


Sunday 5th August 2007

Venue: Jesus Green
Category: Festivals
One Liner: Explore boatie life!
Price Info: FREE
Time Info: noon - 4pm

Local residential boaters will once again be throwing their doors (and hatches!) open to the public so that people can gain an insight into what life's like on the river. There will be a wide variety of boats getting involved, from traditional narrowboats to Dutch barges, and we hope to welcome lots of people into our homes for a good old nose around. It's a great chance for people to find out a bit about boating and life on the river, and there will be representatives of Camboaters, (the local residential boating association) on hand to answer questions and drum up support for our regular Cam Clean-Ups. I believe our Open Day coincides with jazz in the park on Jesus Green so people could have a great afternoon out in the (hopefully) sunshine listening to jazz and wandering along the river! We'll also be offering free face-painting for kids and will have local musicians playing informal acoustic numbers on some boats too.The event will be taking place in the basin by the footbridge at Jesus Green and we look forward to seeing as many people there as possible.

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